Zucchini pizza in the oven
Want to know some easy homemade pizza recipes? Well, why do you need to wander around pizzerias? Spending money, worrying about what you eat...
Cupcake frosting recipe
For delicious muffins, a properly prepared base will not be enough. You need to take care of a delicate sweet cream to decorate them. It is known...
Chocolate frosting for cake: recipes White chocolate frosting for cake recipe
Alexander Gushchin I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :) Contents Many housewives love to prepare homemade desserts. Cakes or cake with...
Lavash with herring and cheese
Are you looking for something you can cook from thin lavash to make it interesting and original? I have collected the best fillings for lavash in one...
Celery diet for weight loss - menu with recipes
The celery soup diet allows you to lose up to 3 kg in 3 days, and up to 9 kg in a week. On average - from 5 to 9 kg in 7 days, depending on...
Curd pudding for children under one year old
All of us remember how in kindergarten we served incredibly delicious puddings topped with jam or condensed milk. There was nothing more desirable...
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